MidWest Eye Center – Anterior

Trial Types
- Allergy
- Blepharitis
- Dry Eye
- Glaucoma (Pharmaceutical)
- Glaucoma (Surgical)
- Intraocular Lens (IOL)
- Post Cataract Inflammation
- Viscoelastic
Without clinical trials it would be impossible to develop new medicines and cures. These studies may offer more care options for our patients suffering from chronic and rare health conditions. This is particularly helpful for patients who struggle to find effective therapies currently on the market.
Awards and Publications
Stephan Dixon, MD
- Dixon, Stephan G. Management of Difficult Glaucoma and Low Vision. Presented at the MidWest Eye Center Fall Symposium “OkularFest 2023.” 2023 Oct 4 & 23.
- Dixon, Stephan G. The Eye: Pathology and Pharmacology of Glaucoma. Presented at UC College of Medicine for Nervous System Course. 2023 Mar 15.
- Dixon, Stephan G. My Experience with Hydrus. Talk Sponsored by Ivantis, Inc. 2021 Aug 31.
“Midwest Eye Center: Understanding Glaucoma.” WCPO Channel 9, Cincy Lifestyle Television Segment.
https://www.wcpo.com/marketplace/cincylifestyle/midwest-eye-center-understanding-glaucoma - Dixon, Stephan G. Stepping On: Fall Prevention Class. Presented at Mercy HealthPlex, Cincinnati, OH. 2021 May 13.
- Sugali CK, Rayana NP, Dai J, Peng M, Harris SL, Webber HC, Liu S, Dixon SG, Parekh PH, Martin EA, Cantor LB, Fellman RL, Godfrey DG, Butler MR, Emanuel ME, Grover DS, Smith OU, Clark AF, Raghunathan VK, Mao W. The Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathway Inhibits the Glucocorticoid Receptor Signaling Pathway in the Trabecular Meshwork. The American Journal of Pathology. 2021. Volume 191, Issue 6: 1020-1035.
- Dixon, Stephan G. An Update on Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) and Bimatoprost Intracameral Implant. Presented at the MidWest Eye Center Spring Symposium “Our Vision For 2021: Part I.” 2021 Apr 11.
- Dixon, Stephan G; Badar, Ayesha; Martin, Elizabeth A. More BANG for Your Buck: Clinical Outcomes of Bent Ab Interno Needle Goniectomy (BANG) in Moderate to Severe Glaucoma. Presented at the American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting, Conducted Virtually. 2021 Mar 6.
- Dixon, Stephan G. Recognition and Management of Angle Closure Suspect and Glaucoma. Presented at the MidWest Eye Center 4th Annual OkularFest Symposium. 2020 Sep 14.
- Dixon, Stephan G. When To Refer: Comprehensive Guide on Glaucoma Management and Specialist Referral. Presented at the MidWest Eye Center 2020 Eye Care Pearls Symposium. 2020 Mar 8.
- Dixon, Stephan G; Osher, Robert H. Recognition and Management of Positive Pressure During Cataract Surgery. Presented at the 24th Annual University of Cincinnati Department of Ophthalmology Conference and Research Symposium. 2019 May 11.
- Dixon SG; Bruce CT; Glueck CJ; Sisk RA; Hutchins RK; Jetty V; Wang P. Retinal vascular occlusion: a window to diagnosis of familial and acquired thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis, with important ramifications for pregnancy outcomes. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2016 Aug 9; 10:1479-86.
- Dixon, Stephan G.; Bruce, Carl T.; Glueck, Charles J.; Hutchins, Robert K.; Sisk, Robert A.; Wang, Ping. Retinal Vascular Occlusion: A Window to Diagnosis of Familial and Acquired Thrombophilia and Hypofibrinolysis, with Important Ramifications for Ocular and Non-Ocular Thrombosis. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2016 Combined Annual Meeting of the Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research [CSCTR] and the Midwestern Section of the American Federation for Medical
Research [MWAFMR], Chicago, Illinois). - Dixon, Stephan G.; Bruce, Carl T.; Hutchins, Robert K.; Sisk, Robert A.; Glueck, Charles J.; Wang, Ping. Ophthalmologists Should Assess for Thrombophilia, A Major Cause of Central Retinal Artery and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2016 Combined Annual Meeting of the Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research [CSCTR] and the Midwestern Section of the American Federation for Medical Research [MWAFMR], Chicago, Illinois).
- Bruce, Carl T.; Dixon, Stephan G.; Kaufman, Adam; Sisk, Robert A.; Glueck, Charles J.; Wang, Ping. Anterior uveitis, pars planitis, and anterior scleritis in three women with familial thrombophilia and thrombotic events. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2016 Combined Annual Meeting of the Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research [CSCTR] and the Midwestern Section of the American Federation for Medical Research [MWAFMR], Chicago, Illinois).
- Dixon, Stephan G.; Bruce, Carl T.; Hutchins, Robert K.; Sisk, Robert A.; Glueck, Charles J.; Wang, Ping. Retinal Vascular Occlusion: A Window to Diagnosis of Familial and Acquired Thrombophilia and Hypofibrinolysis, with Important Ramifications for Ocular and Non-Ocular Thrombosis. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2016 Mercy Health Physicians Continuing Medical Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH).
- Dixon, Stephan G.; Bruce, Carl T.; Glueck, Charles J.; Hutchins, Robert K.; Sisk, Robert A.; Wang, Ping. Ophthalmologists Should Assess for Thrombophilia, A Major Cause of Central Retinal Artery and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2016 Mercy Health Physicians Continuing Medical Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH).
- Bruce, Carl T.; Dixon, Stephan G.; Kaufman, Adam; Sisk, Robert A.; Glueck, Charles J.; Wang, Ping. Anterior uveitis, pars planitis, and anteriorscleritis in three women with familial thrombophilia and thrombotic events. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2016 Mercy Health Physicians Continuing Medical Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH).
- Chen TH, Wu SW, Welge JA, Dixon SG, Shahana N, Huddleston DA, Sarvis AR, Sallee FR, and Gilbert DL. Reduced Short Interval Cortical Inhibition Correlates with Atomoxetine Response in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Journal of Child Neurology. 2014 Dec; 29 (12): 1672-9. Epub 2014 Jan 10.
- Wu SW, Maloney T, Gilbert DL, Dixon SG, Horn PS, Huddleston DA, Eaton K, Vannest J. Functional MRI-Navigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation over Supplementary Motor Area in Chronic Tic Disorders. Brain Stimulation. 2014 Mar-Apr; 7(2): 212-8. Epub 2013 Oct.
- Tina Chen, BS, Steve Wu, MD, Stephan Dixon, BS, Nasrin Shahana, MD, David Huddleston, BS, Adam Sarvis, BS, Floyd Sallee, MD PhD and Donald Gilbert, MD, FAAN. Motor Cortex Physiology and Stop Signal Reaction Times as Predictors and Correlates of Atomoxetine Responses in Children with ADHD. (Abstract and poster presented by Tina Chen at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, California).
- Dixon SG, Kline-Fath B, Calvo-Garcia M, Bierbrauer K. Arachnoid cysts diagnosed in prenatal and young children: Is there an increased need forsurgical intervention? (Abstract presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Society for Pediatric Radiology, San Antonio, Texas).
- Stephan G. Dixon. Using Tics to Treat. Mentis (UCCOM Student-Led Publication) 2012. <http://mentis.moonfruit.com/issue-3-using-tics-to-treat/4568170420>
- Stephan G. Dixon, BS. Predicting Response to Atomoxetine with Single-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) During Stop Task. (Abstract and poster presented at the 2012 UCCOM Research and
Service Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio). - Dixon S, Brahimaj B, Colom L, Hawkins A, Herrmann M, Langenderfer E, Mazzone E, Niespodzany E, Polen C, Srivastava A, Waddell S. Barriers to Sexual Health in the Roselawn Community of Cincinnati, OH. (Poster presented at the 2011 Physician and Society Community Partner Poster Presentation, Cincinnati, Ohio).